Independent On-Water Rowing

Masters Independent On-Water Rowing on Lake Meahagh

Please REVIEW in full CCRA’s Masters Independent Program On-Water Policy.

  • An additional fee is required to participate in the Independent Rower Program.
  • Independent rowers may be permitted to invite non-Independent, experienced CCRA rowers to Independent rows, depending on season. Please ask for current season rules. However, they are completely responsible for that rower’s boat choice, safety, and equipment. Choose your buddy wisely!


For the use of the Independent On-Water Rowing program:

  1. US Rowing membership must be current
  2. US Rowing waiver must be current
  3. SafeSport requirements must be met
  4. Must pass an annual CCRA swim test (as of Fall, 2022)
  5. CCRA member in good standing for the current season (online membership and payment submitted)
  6. Rowing independently is a privilege that must be earned through mastery of rowing and safety skills; it is not a right of membership.
  7. You must be approved by Coaches to participate in this program.
  8. If you are not approved to row singles/doubles, but would like to be, please ask Coaches about required safety and boating skills that you should work on. See CCRA Masters independent rowing skills checklist.


  • When the above requirements have been met, send an email to Dina Tompkins at You will receive instructions on how to get into the shed, and how to get into the signup tool. This info is not to be shared with anyone else, including other CCRA members. This is designed to protect the safety of rowers, our equipment and others on Lake Meahagh.
  • You must use the signup tool to schedule the time(s) and boat that you want to row. Note that time slots may be limited due to conflicts with other scheduled rowing activities. You are responsible to know what boats are appropriate for your skill level and size.
  • If you are signing out a team boat, you are responsible for that row, including making sure that the cox seat is filled, and all equipment, including cox equipment, is properly used and stored.
  • Rowing with a buddy is REQUIRED. It helps insure safety of rowers, and reduces chances of boat damage. Buddies must agree on start/end times, move boats on/off rack together, and row within 100 meters of each other. Please indicate who your buddy is on the signup sheet.
  • Water temp + air temp MUST = at least 100 degrees for singles and doubles to go out.
  • Independent rowing is limited to Lake Meahagh only – no river rowing!
  • Make sure to return to the dock in plenty of time to do proper cleaning and storage of boats and equipment. Your boat must be ready for the next shift of rower(s) as per the the signup sheet slot.
  • Please make sure you report any repairs needed, missing parts, damage, or other irregularities.

Approved Masters Independent Rowers

Updated September 10, 2022

The following Masters rowers are approved for signing out boats for the Independent On-Water program:

Amy Jake Maureen P
Anne 'Babbs' Jennifer Melissa
Anne D John 2.0 G Mike
Barb John F G Naomi
Cristin Julie Nick
Denise Kathleen F-T Sharon P
Diana Leanne Susan
Eric S Leslie Trish
Erin Lorraine Vicki
George W Marie
Gerry Mary