Learn or perfect your sculling (each person has two oars) skills in a stable single (one person) boat in this small group, summer-only program at Lake Meahagh. Two six week sessions will consist of a max of 6 rowers/session. This is intended to be an add-on program for regular summer season members (novice or experienced). First come, first served, with preference given to summer season members who did not take the clinic in the past. Readiness to take the CCRA Independent (‘captain’) skills test will be assessed at the end of each session.
Fee: $140 per session (+$5 processing fee)
All seats in both Sculling Clinic sessions are full. Register for the wait list. Do not purchase until you have confirmation.
Learn or perfect your sculling (each person has two oars) skills in a stable single (one person) boat in this small group, summer-only program at Lake Meahagh. Two six week sessions will consist of a max of 6 rowers/session. This is intended to be an add-on program for regular summer season members (novice or experienced). First come, first served, with preference given to summer season members who did not take the clinic in the past. Readiness to take the CCRA Independent (‘captain’) skills test will be assessed at the end of each session.