Safety Requirements

  • All rowers must:
    • have signed up as a member of US Rowing
    • have signed the online US Rowing Liability Waiver
    • be medically approved by your personal physician to fully participate in the sport of rowing
    • be CCRA swim certified (youth and adults)
    • have completed the CCRA Safety Seminar or watched the US Rowing Safety video (41 mins long)
  • Rowing with the presence of thunder is strictly forbidden.
  • All rowers will follow the Lake Meahagh rowing pattern. No shells shall go within 50 ft. of the shore, except in the dock area.
  • All youth shells on Lake Meahagh will be accompanied by a coach in a coach’s safety launch.
  • All youth and masters shells on the Hudson River will be accompanied by a coach in a coach’s safety launch.
  • The coach is in command of the shells and crew and his/her direction must be followed.
  • The coaches safety launch will have all necessary safety equipment.

All CCRA Rowers and Coaches are required to watch the USRowing Safety Video each year.

This USRowing Safety Video is the extreme of what can happen during rowing and the accidents and incidents you see are very rare. At the same time, it is very important to have heightened attention to your coaches and other rowers around the boathouse to keep everyone safe and prevent injuries.